Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Summary of Today

We got back from our Disneyland/California Adventures trip last night around 7. I'll have to write about that later cuz I'm too tired.

So, today I:
-woke up from 9 hours of sleep
-cleaned my portion of the bathroom
-started laundry
-ate breakfast, prepped for an interview, freaked out a bit
-took a 45 minute nap
-went to interview
-looked at apartments
-went grocery shopping
-came home and took an hour nap

Now I'm sitting here, staring at this assignment which is due tonight and realizing that I'm probably gonna flunk this class because the whole thing is about worldviews, and I still don't understand what that is.

"How do you think the creation account in Genesis would affect a Christian's Worldview?"

...what the crap is that?

So now, I'm turning off the computer and going back to bed because I'm tired beyond belief. I don't think I've even blinked in the last few minutes.

It's lame how easily I get so exhausted.

I used to be a good, smart student. Now I can't even think or understand what a worldview is. <=

I feel like my brain is degressing.

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