Friday, September 2, 2011

If I were a vampire, I wouldn't ever have to sleep.

I actually had a dream the other night that I was Bella and Troy was Edward...but we looked like ourselves...but anyway, that's not the point of this post.

I'm exhausted. I'm sick of always being tired...and I'm already burned out from school, so this is not helping. For example, I slept 8 hours last night. Got my blood drawn. Exercised. Showered. Then I got on the computer to do an "easy" assignment - write a 2 paragraph response to a discussion question. I sat with Microsoft Word open and just stared at the blank page...I'm really tired. It's silly; I have to go take a nap just to write 2 paragraphs. My naps average 2 hours...the other day I took a 4 hour nap! Then another day within the last week, I napped for 3 hours. Yesterday was 2 1/2 hours. It's really annoying because today's my day off and I have things I need to do and errands I need to run...but now I have to nap.


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