Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Paint!

Well, this is it - the final stretch! We have less than a month to go (24 days, to be exact). We have moved most (at least, I hope so...our condo is getting a bit squishy) of Troy's things over and now are ready to decorate! I know I know, it's about time, seeing as how I've been there since the end of October, but hey. I've been busy with this wedding stuff!

On Friday night and Saturday Troy (and his dad on Saturday) painted the living room and hallway a greenish/brownish/grayish/khaki-ish color. I don't know how to describe it...that's why I'm including pictures! Then yesterday Troy made my kitchen orange.

I love our painted walls! Especially my kitchen.

Then, today I walked in to a brand new rug! Love it.

I still can't get these pictures to go where I want them, sorry about the weird placement. Anyway, props to my awesome handyman fiance.

Tu eres fantastico (that's probably not a real Spanish word, but oh well. It is now).

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