Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cool Beans

Easter was fun. I got to spend time with Troy and his family and eat some delicious food. Oh, and of course, take a nap. You can't forget that one.

Wells Fargo is pretty cool. They said if I sign up for some Auto Advantage thingy then I get a month free as well as a free 1 gb iPod shuffle, and I can cancel anytime for free yet keep the gift. Then today I got another letter from them saying that I have been chosen to receive a free video camera if I sign up for the Travelers Advantage. It's the same deal. So, yeah. Cool. It says it's a camcorder, digital camera, voice recorder, music player, video player, and more (and it fits in the palm of your hand...interesting).

I also got a phone call today from a guy that I sent my resume to. He said he was impressed by the way my cover letter and resume were laid out ("organized") and by the wording in my cover letter. He did a phone screening with me and said he wants me to come into the main office in Phoenix tomorrow for an interview with a couple of ladies. The actual office that I would be working at, if hired, is in Mesa. It's a scanning place, where they take documents and records from professionals in pretty much any field (healthcare, education, business, etc.) and scan their information on the disk so that it's all in one place and easily accessible. He said tomorrow I will have to demonstrate my knowledge of being able to work with a computer, namely, moving, storing, and deleting documents. I can do that. Wish me luck.

I took my psychology 101 final yesterday. It was actually by accident, because I meant to click on the description page but I clicked on the link to the final and the timer started immediately. Oops. I think I did well, though. They were all essay questions.

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