On Saturday, Troy and I went fishing. It was fun...but freezing! Haha. We caught two fish...and I forgot to take any pictures. Oh well. There's always next time...wahaha.
As for work, I'm still not working. Go figure...
I'm almost done with 3 out of 4 of my current classes. I have 3 lessons and 3 weeks left for my humanities class. I think that's the shortest class I've ever had, but I'm not complaining. Like I said...history is not my thing. For psychology, I have one lesson and two weeks left. There's a lot of work in the last lesson, though, so I'm doing most of it with this week's lesson. I still have 3 lessons left in my communications class, but it technically doesn't end for 4 more weeks. I do a lesson a week though, so if I do my final exam with my last lesson, then I will be done in 3 weeks. I just barely started my critical reading class last week, however, so I wont be done with that one for about 8 more weeks, unless I do two lessons a week. There's a policy that we can turn in 2, but then no more until an assignment gets graded. If I get bored I can finish early, but probably not. That textbook is SOOOOO BORING. Oh well. I was so mad because my first assignment got a 9 out of 25. I redid it this morning, and about two seconds ago, it got graded with a 23. Whew. I hate school. I can't wait until I'm done...FOREVER. Yeah I don't know how many times I've said that...but I can't say it enough. =)
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