Saturday, February 14, 2009

Electric Cellos and Stuff

I've been sick this week. Ugh. It sucks. My throat feels like a cheese grater. Yeah, so anyway, I changed my educational plan. I don't want to go into respiratory therapy. What if, by the time I get my degree, I don't feel like pursuing sonography? I don't want to be stuck with extracting things from peoples' lungs for the rest of my career life. YUCK. I'm going to take a computer and PE class this summer, and anatomy in the fall. Then, next March, I can apply for the 24 month radiography program at Central Arizona College. If I don't get in...well...I guess there's always Pima, but that's $28,000...about $23,000 more than Central AZ College. There's Gateway, too, but right now there's 400 people on the list and a 3 year wait. You can't even get on the list until you're done with your prerequisites.

Tomorrow I'm going with Troy to sub for my mom's primary class (which is also Paige's class, but she won't be there since it's my dad's weekend). Crystal said she's coming with me to nursery, which is good because I am losing my voice! She can sing for me. Haha. By the way. I'm sitting next to Crystal and she has a rat's nest in the back of her head. Haha, you're welcome, Crystal.

OH I finished English...but guess what...I got a freakin' 89%, one whole percentage away from an A...just like I did in medical terminology. Dang it. Oh well lol. I ended up with a B in math, which I'm happy with.

I'm still looking for a job. So far, I have sent out 33 resumes since January twenty-somethingeth. Hire me, someone. Dangit.

I really like a song by Apocalyptica (the band with electric cellos! hahaha). It's called "I Don't Care". I thought it was Three Days Grace, but that's because the singer of Three Days Grace does the vocal part in the song.

Yeah. Aaaaanyway....happy Valentine's Day!

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