Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's been awhile...

So, howdy!
Nothing much is new. I started my anatomy class 2 weeks ago and am taking the midterm next week. It's a lot of work, but it's a fun class.
Troy and I went fishing on Saturday! It was fun. =) Hi Troy. =) We didn't catch anything, but...I GOT A BITE! YES! lol. Then it started raining like crazy...it was cool. Troy took some pictures, but I don't have any. Sorry...so instead, I'll give you pictures of....Rosco!
OH! Here's something. I'm listening to Backstreet Boys. Hahaha. My absolute faaaavorite CD was "Black and Blue" by them...BUT IT GOT STOLEN (along with my other CD's) in 7th or 8th grade when we went to California. I was so mad. I cried most of the way home. =p I'm listening to it on playlist.com. Oh yes.

Rosco and his lizard (it's dangling from his mouth)

He's driving

Glowing eyes

Sleeping on my arm. Awww.

Paige and I and our x-ray vision faces

Haha. This website is addicting. Her name is Brooklyn.

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