Monday, January 5, 2009

My Birthday and New Calling

Yesterday was my birthday, so I'm 19 now. It was also my first day as the nursery music leader. Wow. It sucked. Basically I sit in the nursery "music room" and wait for kids to come to me. There's four rotations and four groups of kids, and each of them are with me for 20, I pretty much sing for 80 minutes straight. Most of the kids don't even sing, so it's just me and the teachers singing. One of the groups has teachers that are...interesting. It's like they want to zoom through every song. They'd sing a song and as soon it was over, one of the ladies would say "let's sing the duck song" or "let's sing the flower song". We sang every song in the bag. She wouldn't even take a breath asking me what we were singing next. Gosh lady, why don't you be the singing lady? She annoyed me. Anyway, I need the manual. Some other lady has the manual and I need it for new ideas. Haha. I think my favorite song is Old M(a)cDonald because based on the class, we go through 5 to 8 animals (the teachers and I have animals too). The classes are really small. Two of them only have 2 kids, one class has 5, and the other has 6. They should combine them so that I don't have to sing as much. Haha, just kidding.

After church I got to talk to Rachel on the phone! That was fun. I miss Rachel. I also went to my mom's where we had cake and icecream, and then I went to Troy's and watched a movie.

Well, now I have to go write a rough draft of a 10-12 page paper. Woooooohooo genetic engineering (not!).

1 comment:

caryn said...

dude the french is an easy thing to learn but i had to look up the words in a book. that would be cool if you could do sign language on blogspot haha