Saturday, November 29, 2008

implanted trees...

Have you ever wanted to go to the past to change something? I know that this question is popular amongst surveys, and most people answer "no". Why? Well, people learn from their mistakes; this is true, but if you asked me this question, my answer would be yes. I would change things, or maybe just one thing because little tiny decisions (or lack thereof) start building up. Life is complicated. I've learned that you have to take a firm stand on your morals, beliefs, and desires, otherwise you will be like a little floatation device being pulled in all sorts of directions by the ocean's current.

People are different. You shouldn't be who someone else wants you to be, you should be who YOU want to be, and if you don't know, then I highly suggest finding that out. Everyone has worth, so don't put them down. Life's not always fair and sometimes people end up hurting others or being hurt, but the important thing is just to do your best with others.

There really is opposition everywhere. It's insane. I think my sleepiness is finally setting in.

I wonder what would happen if a tree could be planted in the ground like seeds can. I mean the whole entire tree...

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