I'm really freaked out. My mom left for a date about a half an hour ago and locked the bottom part of the door. I was sitting here eating pasta and realized that the top half wasn't bolted, so I locked it and as I was walking away, someone started banging on my side window!!! I've been sitting in my seat, not moving nor making any loud noises. Then, just a second ago, my kitchen creaked. It only does that when you tug on the sliding glass door. I thought I heard noises in my backyard, but I might be imagining that. I hope I am.
I'm terrified...I feel very uneasy.
=( =( =(
1 comment:
YOUR ALIVE i remember you told me about that, yea i would be freaking out to maybe even crying...ok not crying but i think i would have pretended i had a huge dog and turn on the TV and be talking on the phone and make it seem like there was a bunch of people in the house cause maybe they think no one is in the house so they tried to get in. which reminds me one night someone tried to break into my house fortunatly my brother was standing by the door when they tried to break in and yelled at them to leave and they did! crazy cause there was a rappist on the loose or so jenny said so she was freaking out that it could have been him and now thats why she is very paranoid about locking the door.
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