Saturday, July 12, 2008

FUNNY Dream.

So, I kinda had two dreams. In the first one, I was with my 4th grade class again (we were all our age now) and two of my 7th grade teachers, Mrs. Bentley and Mrs...
Burton? They were going by code names though. Mrs. Bentley was going by "Williams" (yes, as in the home ec teacher at MMS who only sat on the computer and ordered sweaters while eating salad and/or popcorn) and Mrs. Burton went by "Berkley". Anyway, Mrs. Bentley was making us iceskate across unsafe frozen water, and when people would fall in, she'd laugh hysterically. At one point, Weston Zickgraf's phone fell and she saw it so she electrically charged it and made him call his dad (while constantly being shocked by the phone). We must've been in some kind of army training or something, because each person was supposed to go "undercover" to "Berkley"'s hut, use skills to sneak around, and "shoot" her. We were only supposed to shoot her on her vest, but one of the kids got too into it and actually set her hut on fire and shot her nose. Williams freaked out and ran over there, and I saw that her nose was indeed bleeding...oh, and she had joker-like makeup lol.

I can't really remember what happened...but Cho Chang (from Harry Potter) and a certain person who today we'll just call...Martin were there; Martin was with Cho and Weston was just hanging with me until Martin saw me and Weston saw Cho. That's when, simultaniously, Weston made a dash for Cho Chang and Martin grabbed me and took off running down some hallway that came out of nowhere. Creeeeeeepy!

Hahaha. Suddenly, I woke up in a closet. I got up, turned around and ran into a man! I was a little taken aback and he said, "oh, I like your new outfit, honey, but I still think the one you were wearing earlier was fine" and then I exclaimed, "WHOA! Are you my husband?"
He looked at me like I was crazy and replied, "very funny."
I then asked him his name, but he ignored me until I kept bugging him and he finally answered "Troy". He was a little...chubby. Then I followed him outside while just looking around and making remarks until I saw my car. There is where I noticed to the ugliest mini-van I've ever seen (it was a new brand). I figured we must have had kids, so I asked him and found out that we had two kids and had been married for two years so far. Our first daughter had some really funky name, and our other was named Lisa, after my mom. He suggested that I should go get some fresh air and take a drive, but then suddenly the brakes went out and the van went rolling down the street. We hopped into his funky-looking car and chased the van while it magically made turns on random streets. As we were driving, I realized that the neighborhood looked like Eastridge, so I asked him if that's where we were. Before he responded, we turned out of the subdivision and I noticed mountains, a ton of snow, and some waterfalls within the snowy mountains. Frustrated, he replied, "this is Utah."

As we rounded a mountain, I saw a group of people skydiving out of planes with intertubes and landing on the snow-packed mountains. It was like a form of sledding. As I watched them, I realized one of them was Marcus Hernandez! Hahaha. He wasn't married yet. I began to question Troy about my other friends. Apparently Rachel had been married for 3 years to a man named....NICOLAS REID! HAhahaha. I could NOT stop laughing. I think I was even laughing in my sleep. They already had 5 kids. Jessica was married to a guy named "Sammy". I don't think it was Sam Reid, so maybe it was a foreign English or Australian guy because not too many American guys go by the same of "Sammy".

When we got home, my mom was just pulling up. It was Easter, and she was going to join us for dinner. The first thing out of her mouth was, "Hey! You're wearing my shirt again!" I rolled my eyes and told her that I wear my own clothes and she's just a forgetting old lady. Haha. I went to the closet again, trying to figure out how to leave so I could come back to the present and wake up so I can hang out with Troy (who figured I was just getting my present for him...was it our anniversary? Or maybe I liked to buy him stuff on Easter), but while I was in the closet, someone started knocking on the closet window (a window in the closet? strange...) and I screamed. I looked over to see Briana in a bunny suit! Hahahahaha. Sorry Bri. It was pretty funny though.

I couldn't figure out how to leave and come back to July 12, 2008. I must've been in there a long time, because suddenly Troy, my mom, Rachel, Marcus, Jessica, and Bri came up to the closet and started asking me "what are you doing?" "you've been up here a long time" "are you ready to eat" "what are you doing up here anyway?"
The faces started to swirl as if I were passing out, and suddenly, I was back here in my bed awake.

It was trippy.

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